Land Cruiser 80-series 4Braden Gough (Geraldton WA)

Hey Allan, I have an early 80 Series LandCruiser with a carby 3F petrol engine. I was wondering if it’s an easy job to swap over the fuel injection off a later 3F? Are there many things I’ll need to upgrade or is it a straight swap over?

I was also wondering if fitting an exhaust will gain me any economy, as it’s pretty horrendous at the moment.

Thanks for your time mate.


Braden, you could change it over to a fuel injected engine, but I reckon there’s simply too much involved. You’d need a cylinder head and ECU and a whole lot of stuff to do the job properly and it’s simply not worth it and I’d be steering clear of that.

Once again, I reckon that if you could fit that vehicle up with a really good set of headers that’ll improve the exhaust a bit and I’d get a full tune up to make sure the timing’s spot on. I’d also get it on a dyno to check the fuel mixture. I know they soak up a bit of fuel, but it shouldn’t be ‘horrendous’. I’d start with those things on your 3F and go from there.

Gee Whiz, answering those last two questions was easy money!



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