PC MEDIA KX13367133672013

Darren Evermore

Hi Allan, I have an odd driveline vibration coming from the rear of my Toyota Surf. It feels very much like a driveshaft vibration but I did both unis only a couple of months ago and the driveshaft is definitely in phase. The output on my transfer feels solid, I can’t move it by hand, and the pinion on the diff is the same.

Any ideas what it could be?



Darren, there’s lots of possible causes of this. You’ll need to drive it over a variety of terrains in different gears to troubleshoot the issue. I’d be looking at having the tailshaft balanced first. Does the vibration gradually get worse at speed, does it cut out over a certain speed, is it still evident on overrun, does it occur on the downhill out of gear, does it happen when the vehicle is up on the stands?

These are all the things you can do. Be careful when it’s up on stands. You need someone intelligent in the vehicle when it’s being revved with his foot real close to the brake. Make sure the stands are solid and you’re not under the vehicle, but I reckon you’ll be able to see the vibration.

They are the things we would do to check this out. Let me know how you go. Thanks for the query Darren.



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